Sunday, December 21, 2014

Day 20 - Uecker - Insert your favorite Matchbox 20 song title here ____________ (I don't have one)

Straddle Run - Part Uno

We met at Fifth Quarter. It was a dark and mysterious bunch. People didn't know what to make of the group of running hoodlums assembled on the sidewalk outside the bar...

Not really. We met. We ran. As we set out we all decided that even if you broke your ankle at the beginning of the run, as long as you writhed around in pain for 25 minutes it was going count for meeting your daily Marco requirement, so there was no pressure for a fast pace. That was good for me. It had been a long day.

Was a pretty good run for as tired as I was. Gavin was nice enough to stay with me the whole way. My body was revolting against starting a run at 11:25 and had some difficulty with cramps along the way. Was definitely good conversation and a pretty satisfying run. Finished before midnight at the Fifth Quarter and we celebrated the first half being done. Priscilla posted pictures.

Day (night) 20 is in the books.

Office building address - Homewood

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