Sunday, December 21, 2014

Day 21 - Uecker - Make me walk on salt

Straddle run - Part 2

After our hydration stop at the Fifth Quarter, a lot of Miller Lite and Jameson shots were consumed, we set off at about 12:15. I think Tabitha and Joel drew the short straws to run with the old guy. Again another run with great conversation. 

I think the Lite helped my breathing. Didn't have any issues with my diaphragm on this run, but my hips weren't too happy with me. 

Encountered my first real ice of this year's Marco, even though it was only about 2-3 steps worth.

Almost to the end Joel and Tabitha headed toward Lassen's and I toward my car. When I was almost there 2 women were coming out of a salon on Ridge road. They looked at me like there was something wrong with me running at almost 1 in the morning on a Sunday. I could have said that there is something wrong with them coming out of a salon at that time. I still haven't figured out what handbook says that if you are sweaty and wearing tights that you are the crazy one. We all are in our own way. Our's just gives more freedom to drink beer. 

Which is what we did at Lassen's to celebrate the end of another incredibly fun straddle run. Thank you to all who were apart of it, but especially to Gavin, Tabitha and Joel for keeping me company and making it a lot less of a struggle than it could have been.

Oh! Almost forgot. We closed the bar!

Day (early morning) 21 has been put to bed.

Lassen's address - Homewood

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