Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Day 31- Uecker - Are you gonna be in my dreams tonight?

Marcothon was pretty tame this year. No big snows. No injuries or major illnesses. Just running, running, running. Overall drama free.

Until today that is. Final run of Marco, and 2014 all in one. December decided to show up today. -6 windchill when we headed out the door and it felt like it. First mile my fingers were freezing. After two miles my energy was gone and I was just hanging on as Catherine ran away from me a bit. Just after mile 3, Priscilla, Gavin and Andrae came back to bring us home. That was a really nice touch considering I was about to start walking.

We were almost done and Catherine caught her foot on a root in the trail. It was a very nasty fall. Bruised knee and very sore shoulder are the early prognosis. Wine tonight for New Year's should help. (follow up - 1 week later, she's going for an MRI to see if it might be a torn rotator didn't help after all).

As for the wrap up. This was a goofy Marcothon for me. I started not sure how/if I was going to even finish the first week and after the second day I had found my motivations. Numbers. I decided I was going to post every day. I then dedicated myself to try to find the number of the run at some point in my route and take a picture of it for this blog. Lastly that I was going to try to come up with a title related to the number of that days run to put in my post. The first two I was successful with, the third was almost. Ruminating these things helped as I ran. Kept me from thinking all of the time, "I'm way to old for this shit." Just thought it some of the time.

I figure if you've been reading these I should give you the source of the titles (mostly song lyrics or movie quotes) so here we go:

1 - Just what I was feeling that day
2 - Led Zeppelin II, Side 2, Track 2
3 - song by Fun Boy Three
4 - the fourth Bond film and my favorite
5 - Henry V
6 - Big Hero 6
7 - Magnificent Seven
8 - 8 Mile
9 - Grade 9 / Barenaked Ladies
10 - Tenth Avenue Freeze Out
11 - Oceans 11
12 - Oceans 12
13 - Oceans 13
14 - Teen Angst (What the World Needs Now) / Cracker
15 - 15 Steps / Radiohead
16 - Sweet Little 16 / Chuck Berry
17 - Temptation / Heaven 17
18 - Smells Like Teen Spirit
19 - Nineteen Forever / Joe Jackson
20 - Matchbox 20...or not
21 - Freedom at 21 / Jack White
22 - Catch 22
23 - Here Comes the Sun
24 - 24
25 - 25 or 6 to 4 / Chicago
26 - I had nothing. Neither did the internet
27 - America / Simon & Garfunkle
28 - 28 Days
29 - 29 Years / The National
30 - Thirty Years of Tears / John Hiatt
31 - The End / The Beatles

Thank you to everyone that I ran with, made comments or just read my mindless posts. Without all of you, I don't finish this again this year. May you all have a blessed and healthy New Year.

Overall Marcothon was 96 miles for me this year. 5 less than last.

It's carved in stone! It's done.

And in the end, the love you take
Is equal to the love you make

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