Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Day 10 - Stine - $10 says she's a goner!

How do you kill an hour when you are getting an oil change? I told the service tech, "I'm heading out running, be back in an hour".  He looked like he would have more likely expected me to say:

 can I buy a new car? can I get a complimentary shuttle to the Chase to rob it? can I do drug X on this table while I wait here?

Seriously, this guy fell off his rocker.  As I stepped out of Homewood Chevy on Halsted to head to Izaak, I turned back to see sales guys and service techs in the window most likely taking bets on my survival, sanity, and debating their next cig break.  I returned 50 minutes later to some weirdo giving me the pat on the back that only meant one thing: " thanks, I won the bet!"

 Even on days I work from home, I'm scraping to get a run in.  Today I needed to be home in time to get the troops fed and head to church for evening advent services....which we then followed by Fro Yo while driving around looking at Xmas lights.  It doesn't get any better than that to cap off a 5 mile late afternoon run.  10 down....21 to go.  Oh...and I got a new night splint for my foot...shnazzy!!!

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